История права. Вопрос о юриспруденции.

Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденция

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Конспект видеолекции № 2 «История права. Вопрос о юриспруденции»

  1. Аудирование: Выдающиеся юристы – Чезаре Ломброзо
  2. Глоссарий юридических терминов
  3. Текст «История права»
  4.  Деловая переписка: письмо-заказ.
  5. Шутки.
  6. Приложение.



  1. 1.                Аудирование: Выдающиеся юристы – Чезаре Ломброзо.

Задание 1.

  1. Cesare Lombroso is the father of criminology.

A –True                         B – False                       C – Not stated

  1. Lombroso taught psychiatry and anthropology at the university of Vienna.

A –True                         B – False                       C – Not stated

  1. Cesare Lombroso was born in Italy, in Turin.

A –True                         B – False                       C – Not stated

  1. He wrote in his book that every criminal type can be recognized by his appearance.

A –True                         B – False                       C – Not stated

  1. Lombroso tried to reform the Italian penal system.

A –True                         B – False                       C – Not stated

  1. Lombroso rejected hereditary causes of crime.

A –True                         B – False                       C – Not stated

  1. Lombroso thought that people with curly black hair have strong criminal instinct.

A –True                         B – False                       C – Not stated

Задание 2.

Перед вами ряд слов и текст с пропусками. Необходимо вставить слова из списка в текст.Для начала  переведем слова: 

сriminal types – криминальные типы; capital punishment – смертная казнь; inmates - заключенные; case studies – конкретные примеры; upbringing - воспитание; investigations – расследования, исследования; suspended - условный; multiple -разнообразные; unthinkable – невероятный, невозможный; rehabilitative- реабилитационный.

Теперь прочитаем и переведем текст, чтобы вставить недостающие слова.

Cesare Lombroso, professor of psychiatry and anthropology at the University of Turin, sought through firsthand observation and measurement of prison ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­     ­­­­___________________ to determine the characteristics of __________________. Чезаре Ломброзо, профессор психиатрии и антропологии в университете Турина, впервые проводил исследование и измерения тюремных ____________, чтобы определить характеристики _____________. Some of his ___________ allowed him to establish the existence of 'hereditary criminals'. Некоторые из его ______________   позволили ему установить существование «наследственных преступников». Lombroso held that such criminals exhibit a higher percentage of physical and mental anomalies than do noncriminals. Ломброзо полагал, что такие преступники имеют более высокий процент физических и умственных аномалий, чем те, кто преступниками не являются.  Among these anomalies, were various unusual skull sizes and asymmetries of the facial bones. Среди таких аномалий были разнообразные необычные размеры скул и асимметрия костей лица.

Other scholars helped to introduce the ideas that crime has _____________ causes and that most criminals are not born criminal but are shaped by their __________________ and associations. Другие ученые помогали развивать идеи о том, что преступление имеет _____________ причины и что большинство преступников не рождаются преступниками, но формируются в них из-за их  _____________ и ассоциаций.Thus, the emphasis in criminology had turned to experimental _____________  ______________and to preventive and _________________measures. Таким образом, значение криминологии в том, что она обратила внимание на экспериментальные   _______________   ______________  и превентивные и _____________меры. Without this contribution into the scientific study of criminals the present-day alternatives to _______________and old-fashioned imprisonment such as probation, ______________ sentence, fines, and parole would have been ________________. Без этого вклада в научное изучение преступников сегодняшние альтернативы  _______________ ______________ и старомодному тюремному заключению, такие как условное осуждение, ______________ приговор, штрафы и условно-досрочное освобождение были бы __________________.

А теперь вставим пропущенные слова.

В первый пропуск следует вставить слово inmates, в следующий - сriminal types, тогда в законченном виде первое предложение будет выглядеть следующим образом:  Чезаре Ломброзо, профессор психиатрии и антропологии в университете Турина, впервые проводил исследование и измерения тюремных заключенных, чтобы определить характеристики криминальных типов. В третий пропуск поставим слово investigations и переведем предложение: Некоторые из его исследований  позволили ему установить существование «наследственных преступников». Следующие предложения нам даны полностью, прочитаем их, чтобы не потерять идею текста: Ломброзо полагал, что такие преступники имеют более высокий процент физических и умственных аномалий, чем те, кто преступниками не являются.  Среди таких аномалий были разнообразные необычные размеры скул и асимметрия костей лица.

В следующем предложении в пропуски вставим слова multiple и upbringing, с этими словами предложение будет выглядеть так: Другие ученые помогали развивать идеи о том, что преступление имеет разнообразные причины и что большинство преступников не рождаются преступниками, но формируются в них из-за их воспитания и ассоциаций. 

В следующем предложении три пропуска заполним словами case studies и rehabilitative, в результате получим такой перевод предложения: Таким образом, значение криминологии в том, что она обратила внимание на экспериментальные  конкретные примеры  и превентивные и реабилитационные меры.

В последнем предложении вставим оставшиеся слова в следующем порядке: capital punishment, suspended и unthinkable, получаем следующий перевод: Без этого вклада в научное изучение преступников сегодняшние альтернативы  смертной казни и старомодному тюремному заключению, такие как пробация, условный приговор, штрафы и условно-досрочное освобождение были бы невозможны.

2. Глоссарий юридических терминов





диффамация (разглашение позорящих другое лицо сведений)

rules of human conduct

норма поведения человека

rules of law

норма права, правовая норма

rules of evidence

нормы доказательственного права

rules of procedure

правила судопроизводства, процессуальные нормы

body of rules

совокупность норм

legal wrong

правонарушение, деликт

criminal wrong

уголовное правонарушение, преступление

civil wrong

гражданское правонарушение, деликт


причинение вреда, ущерба, правонарушение, противоправное действие


правонарушитель, преступник

death punishment

смертная казнь

capital punishment

высшая мера наказания


подчинение, соответствие




отмена, уничтожение


аннулирование, отмена


наркоман, алкоголик, лицо, употребляющее алкоголь или наркотики




приговор, наказание, приговаривать к наказанию


категория тяжких уголовных преступлений - фелония


государственное преступление, измена

high treason

государственная измена


обвинительный акт


проступок, правонарушение


преступление, правонарушение


ответственность, обязанность

to pay damages

заплатить за возмещение убытков

to do harm

причинять вред, ущерб


ущерб, убыток, вред

to damage

повредить, наносить вред, ущерб


вред, ущерб, нарушение права другого лица, телесное повреждение

injured (person)

потерпевший, получивший телесные повреждения

to prohibit




to threaten


to begin a legal action

начать судебный процесс

to bring charges

выдвинуть обвинение

bodily harm

телесные повреждения


обвинение, обвинять

to prove by preponderance of evidence

доказывать при наличии более веских доказательств

to prove beyond a reasonable doubt

доказывать при наличии отсутствии обоснованный сомнений (критерий доказывания обвинений)


доказательство, доказывание

the burden of proof

бремя доказывания


освобождение (от ответственности, наказания)






  1. 3.                Текст «История права»

Since the time when people first began living together, rules have been adopted to protect individuals and groups and to govern their relationships. Even the most ancient peoples compiled Law codes. A law code is a more or less systematic and comprehensive written statement of laws. The oldest law code is tablets from the ancient archives of the city of Ebla (now Tell Mardikh, Syria), which date to about 2400 ВС.  The earliest written law was also the Law Code of Hammurabi, a king who reigned over Babylon (on the territory of modern Iraq) around 2000 B.C. Hammurabi's Code had 282 paragraphs and was carved in cuneiform on a pillar made of very hard stone. This pillar was set up in a temple to the Babylonian god Marduk so that everyone could read it. After the fall of Babylon in the 16th century B.C. the pillar was lost for centuries.

It was found again during archeological expedition among the ruins of the Persian city of Susa in 1901. Now the pillar is in Paris in the Louvre museum. The scientists managed to read Hammurabi's Code. It dealt with many of the same subjects as our legal system today. It included real and personal property law (the rights of slave owners and slaves, inheritance and property contracts), family law (divorce and marriage), criminal law (crimes and punishment of crimes), and business law (settlement of debts and even regulations about taxes and the prices of goods). Hammurabi's Code gave very harsh punishments for almost all crimes. Not only murderers but also thieves and those guilty of false accusation faced the death penalty. The punishment was based on the principle of revenge: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. The criminals had to receive the same injuries and damages they had inflicted upon their victims. Nevertheless, the penalty according to Hammurabi's laws could not be harder than the crime.

The code banned the tradition of kidnapping women as brides. The laws of Hammurabi's Code took into account the circumstances of the offender as well as the offence itself. For example, if a citizen of a lower rank lost in a civil case he had to pay fewer penalties than an aristocrat, though if he won he also was awarded less. The laws set forth in Hammurabi's Code were written by the King - a divinely inspired authority. Only the King could change such laws.

This absolutism of power in the monarch was typical of legal systems until Law of the Greeks around 300 B.C.  Before the Greeks people believed that their laws were given to them by gods, represented by their kings. The Greek system emphasized that law was made by man, for man, and could be changed by man. Instead of being an instrument of total social control of the whole population by a monarch, the law was to serve peace and prosperity of the people. In the year of 621 B.C., Draco, Athenian lawgiver, drew up Greece's first written code of laws. This harsh legal code punished both trivial and serious crimes in Athens with death. The word draconian (безжалостный) is still used to describe repressive legal measures. In 594 B.C. Solon, Athens' lawgiver, repealed Draco's code and published new laws, retaining only Draco's homicide statutes. He revised every statute except that on homicide and made Athenian law more humane. He retained an ancient Greek tradition — trial by jury. Enslaving debtors was prohibited, along with most of the harsh punishments of Draco's code. Under Solon's law citizens of Athens could be elected to the assembly and courts were established in which citizens could appeal against government decisions. The Greek ideals were carried over into the Roman system of laws. The Greeks have contributed to the Roman system of laws the concept of  “natural law”. Actually, natural law was based on the idea that certain basic principles are above the laws of a nation. These principles arise from the nature of people. As the Roman Empire increased, a set of laws was codified to handle the more sophisticated legal questions of the day. This was done under the sponsorship of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I (from AD 529 to 565). This collection of laws and legal interpretations was called Corpus Juris Civilis  (“Body of Civil Law”) and also the Justinian Code.

French Emperor Napoleon made some modification of the Justinian Code at the beginning of the nineteenth century- Napoleon Code is still the model for the legal codes governing most of the modern nation-states of Europe today. At the heart of the English system are two principles of government – limited government and representative government.

The idea that government  was not all-powerful first appeared in the Magna Carta or Great Charter, that King John signed in 1215 under the threat of civil war. Earlier kings of England had issued charters, making promises to their barons. But these were granted by, not exacted from the king and were very generally phrased. Later the tension between the Kings and the nobility increased. Since 1199 John's barons had to be promised their rights.  It is, therefore, not surprising that Stephen Langton, archbishop of Canterbury, directed baronial unrest into a demand for a solemn grant of liberties by the king. The document known as the Articles of the Barons was at last agreed upon and became the text from which the final version of the charter was drafted and scaled by John on June 15, 1215. The Magna Carta estabiished the principle of limited government, in which the power of the monarch, or government, was limited, not absolute. This document provided for protection against unjust punishment and the loss of life, liberty, and property except according to law. It stipulated that no citizen could be punished or kept in prison without a fair trial. Under the Magna Carta, the king agreed that certain taxes could not be levied without popular consent.  Although the Magna Carta was originally intended to protect aristocracy and not the ordinary citizens, it came in time to be regarded cornerstone of British liberties. It is one of the oldest written constitutional papers.

  1. 4.                Деловая переписка: письмо-заказ.

      В письме-заказе следует подробно и точно ука­зать, какой товар вы хотите приобрести. Многие компании рассылают свои фирменные бланки для заказа своей продукции. Если у вас есть такой бланк, аккуратно отметьте в нем необходимые вам товары. Фирмы всегда с большим вниманием относятся к таким письмам-заказам и стараются выполнить заказ в указанный вами срок. Рассмотрим на примере заказа одежды, который мы видим в следующем деловом письме.

Ordering Some Men's Wear

336 Logan Avenue

Austin, Minnesota

June 6, 2001

Nagell's Department Store

625 Marquette Street

Minneapolis 6, Minnesota



Please send me by express the following articles as advertised in the June 5th issue of the Minneapolis "Tribune":

1 wool sweater, colour brown, size 16……………….    $53.98

1 raincoat, colour dark-blue, size 14………………….   215.98

1 dozen white linen handkerchiefs      …………………….   18.00

Express charges....................... …………………………...  12.50

Total.................................. ………………………………..   $300.46

I am enclosing a money order for $ 300.46.

Very truly yours,

James Dawson

Как обычно, в правом верхнем углу пишем в столбик адрес оправителя и дату, ниже в левом углу название фирмы и ее адрес. Срокой ниже пишем официальное обращение, в данном случае это Gentlemen. В основном тексте письма излагаем свой заказ, который мы делаем по рекламе в газете "Tribune". Завершаем письмо-заказ подписью и вежливой официальной концовкой, которая обязательно пишется строкой ниже основного письма.

  1. 5.                Шутка.

Not a robber

A young man was going from the railway station. It was a dark night and there was nobody in the street. He was walking as fast as he could when suddenly he heard that somebody was following him. The faster he went, the faster the man behind him followed him. The man decided to turn into a side-street. After some time he looked back and saw that the other man was still following him. «That man behind me wants to rob me», thought the first man and seeing a high wall around a garden jumped over it. The other man jumped over the wall too. Now he was quite sure that this man was a robber, but he couldn't under­stand why the robber was not in a hurry to attack him.

The man didn't know what to do. Then he turned round and said: «What do you want? Why are you following me?»

«I'm going to Mr. White and the man at the station told me to go after you because Mr. White lives next door to you. Excuse me please but will you have some more jumping tonight or will you go straight home?»

  1. 6.                Приложение


Outstanding lawyers

Cesare Lombroso

Professor Lombroso is a criminologist whose views, though not altogether correct, caused a lot of interest and made other people look into the problem of crime in a more scientific way. He is regarded as the father of the scientific study of criminals, or criminology

Lombroso studied at the universities of Padua, Vienna, and Paris, and later he became a professor of psychiatry and forensic medicine, a director of a mental asylum. Cesare Lombroso taught psychiatry and anthropology at the unyversity of Turin.

In an enormous book called The Criminal, he set out the idea that there is a definite criminal type, who can be recognized by his or her appearance. Some of what he said is difficult to believe. For example, he said that left-handed persons have a criminal instinct. Among the things he considered important were the shape of the head, colour of the hair, the eyes, the curve of the chin and forehead and if the ears stick out.

Lombroso's theories were widely influential in Europe for a time, but his emphasis on hereditary causes of crime was later strongly rejected in favour of environmental factors. Lombroso tried to reform the Italian penal system, and he encouraged more humane and constructive treatment of convicts through the use of work programs intended to make them more productive members of society.