Закон и общество. Право и его виды

Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденция

Контрольные вопросы по предмету


Подпишитесь на бесплатную рассылку видео-курсов:

Текст видеолекции


1. Аудирование: выдающийся юрист А.Ф. Кони.

2. Глоссарий юридических терминов.

3. Текст «Право и общество».

4. Монологическое высказывание на тему «Право и его виды».

5. Деловая переписка: письмо-запрос информации.

6. Шутки.

7. Список рекомендуемой литературы.

8. Приложение.


Outstanding lawyers

Вы услышите рассказ о выдающемся русском юристе Анатолии Федоровиче Кони. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (A - True), какие не соответствуют (B - False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (C – Not stated). Запишите правильный ответ (букву) рядом с номером задания. Вы услышите текст дважды.


  1. Anatoliy Fedorovich Koni was born in Moscow in the family of  artists.

A –True                         B – False                            C – Not stated

  1. Koni’s parents influenced on his character and beliefs very much.

A –True                         B – False                            C – Not stated

  1. He was good at the university.

A –True                         B – False                            C – Not stated

  1. Anatoliy Fedorovich Koni was married and had 3 children.

A –True                         B – False                            C – Not stated

  1. Koni began his career as a jurist and then he entered legislative, pedagogical and literature work.

A –True                         B – False                            C – Not stated

  1. Koni was against women’s’ law of succession.

A –True                         B – False                            C – Not stated

  1. Anatoliy Fedorovich Koni is known as a perfect jurist, brilliant judicial orator, a talented lecturer and very clever and intelligent man.

A –True                         B – False                            C – Not stated





Глоссарий юридических терминов 





закон, право



civil law

гражданское право

common law

общее право

contract law

договорное право



legislation law

законодательное право

private law

частное право

property law

право собственности

procedural law

процессуальное право

criminal law

уголовное право

private international law

международное частное право



customary law

обычное право

case law

прецедентное право

precedent law

прецедентное право

judge-made law

прецедентное право

statute law

статутное право, выражаемое в законодательных актах

substantive law

материальное право

succession law

наследственное право


деликт, гражданское правонарушение

law of tort

деликтное право

equity law

право справедливости


причинение вред, неудобства


правонарушение, неправда, вред


небрежность, халатность


противоправное нарушение владения


правовая норма, правило, приказ, постановление

to impose rules / to rule

устанавливать правила, правовую норму, постановлять

to wrong

вредить, наносить вред, ущерб


принудительное исполнение

to enforce obedience

принудить к повиновению



to forbid






case (civil/ criminal)

дело (гражданское / уголовное)


неподчинение, неповиновение, непослушание

under the pain of punishment

под страхом наказания


взыскание, наказание, мера, санкция

to impose / prescribe / inflict a penalty / a punishment

назначить наказание


деяние, поступок; иск; судебный процесс, судопроизводство, судебное дело


иск, судебное разбирательство, процесс, судопроизводство

to take a criminal action

возбудить уголовное дело


доказательство, доказывание


вред, ущерб



Текст «Law and Society»

Mr. Jones, having murdered his wife, was burying her in the garden one night, when his neighbour, hearing the noise, asked him what he was doing.

"Just burying the cat," said Mr. Jones.

"Funny sort of time to bury a cat," said the neighbour.

"Funny sort of cat," said Mr. Jones.

Now it is obvious to everyone that, in a community such as the one in which we live, some kind of law is necessary to try to prevent people like Mr. Jones from killing their wives. When the world was at a very primitive stage, there was no such law, and, if a man chose to kill his wife or if a woman succeeded in killing her husband, that was their own business and no one interfered officially.

But, for a very long time now, members of every community have made laws for themselves in self-protection. Otherwise it would have meant that the stronger man could have done what he liked with the weaker, and bad men could have joined together and terrorized the whole neighbourhood.

If it were not for the law, you could not go out in broad daylight without the fear of being kidnapped, robbed or murdered. There are far, far more good people in the world than bad, but there are enough of the bad to make law necessary in the interests of everyone.

There is no difficulty in understanding this but it is just as important to understand that law is not necessary just because there are bad people in the    world. If we were all as good as we ought to be, laws would still be necessary. If we never told lies, never took anything that didn't belong to us, never omitted to do anything that we ought to do and never did anything that we ought not to do, we should still require a set of rules of behaviour, in other words laws, to enable us to live in any kind of satisfactory state.

How is one good man in a motor-car to pass another good man also in a motor-car coming in the opposite direction, unless there is some rule of the road? People sometimes hover in front of one mother when they are walking on the pavement before they can pass, and they may even collide. Not much harm is done then, but, if two good men in motor-cars going in the opposite directions hover in front of one  another, not knowing which side to pass, the result will probably be that  there will be two good men less in the world.

So you can see that there must be laws, however good we may be.

Unfortunately, however, we are none of us always good and some of us are bad, or at any rate have our bad moments, and so the law has to provide for all kinds of possibilities. Suppose you went to a greengrocer and bought some potatoes and found on your return home that they were mouldy or even that some of them were stones. What could you do if there were no laws on the subject? In the absence of law you could only rely upon the law of the jungle. You could go back to the shop, demand proper potatoes and hit the shopkeeper on the nose if he refused to give them to you. You might then look round the shop to try to find some decent potatoes. While you were doing this, the shopkeeper might hit you on the back of the neck with a pound of weight. Altogether not a very satisfactory morning shopping. Or might pay your money to go to see a film at a cinema. You might go inside, sit down and wait. When the cinema was full, there might be flashed on the screen: "You've had it, Chums". And that might be the whole of the entertainment. If there were no law, the manager could safely remain on the premises and, as you went out, smile at you and say: "Hope you've enjoyed the show, sir." That is to say, he could do this safely if he were bigger than you or had a well-armed bodyguard.

Every country tries, therefore, to provide laws which will help its people to live safely and as comfortably as possible. This is not at all an easy thing to do, and no country has been successful in producing laws which are entirely satisfactory. But we are far better off with the imperfect laws which we have, than if we had none at all.

              murder - убивать

neighbour - сосед

kidnap - похищать людей, особенно детей (с целью получить выкуп)

rob – грабить

 omit - пренебрегать

behaviour  - поведение

hover  - находиться в состоянии нерешительности

mouldy – покрытый плесенью

decent  - подходящий

chum – приятель, друг детства 


TASK. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

  1. самозащита
  2. телохранитель
  3. общество
  4. правила поведения
  5. закон джунглей
  6. несовершенные законы
  7. при свете дня
  8. причинять вред
  9. предусмотреть все возможности
  10. полагаться на кого-либо
  11. требовать



Монологическое высказывание на тему «Право и его виды»

The term law is used in many senses, for example: we may speak of physics, mathematics, science or the laws of football. When we speak of the law of the state, however, we use the term "law" in a special sense. In that sense law may be defined as a rule of  human conduct, imposed upon and enforced among the members of a given state.

People are by nature social animals desiring the companionship of others, and in primitive times they formed tribes, groups or societies, either for self-preservation or by reason of social instinct.

If a group or society is to continue, some form of social order is necessary, rules or laws are drawn up to ensure that members f live and work together in an orderly and peaceable manner. The larger the community (or group or state) the more complex and numerous will be rules If the rules or laws are broken compulsion is used to enforce obedience. Thus, we may say that two ideas underlie the concept of law: order and compulsion – i.e. the enforcement of obedience to the rules or laws.

When referring to the law we usually imply the whole of the law – a body of rules. Much of English law was formed out of customs of the people. But a great part of the law is created by legislation, i.e. the passing of laws. Both Common law and Statutory law together comprise the Anglo-American law.

Law may be classified in various ways. The two main divisions are Criminal law and Civil law.

Criminal law is the part of the law which characterizes certain kinds of wrongdoings as offences against the State and punishable by the State. Crime is defined as an act of disobedience of the law forbidden under pain of punishment. Thus, the main purpose of Criminal Law is to give the state the power to protect the public from harm by punishing individuals whose actions threaten the social order.

The punishment for crime ranges from death or punishment to a monetary penalty or probation, or absolute discharge.

The Civil Law, however, the harm or injury is considered a private wrong, and the main concern is to compensate individuals for harm done to them by others. Therefore Civil Law is concerned with the rights and duties of individuals towards each other. The major branches of Civil Law are Law of Contract, Law of Tort (examples of tort are nuisance, negligence, defamation and trespass), Law of Property, Law of Succession, Family Law.

If it is determined that the criminal law was broken the state initiates the legal proceeding by bringing charges and prosecuting the violator.

In a civil action, however, the injured individual usually receives money to compensate for the harm done.

Another major difference is the burden of proof required to establish the defendant’s liability. In criminal matters the defendant’s liability must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt, whereas in a civil case the defendant must pay damages if a preponderance of evidence shows that he or she committed the wrong. Establishing guilt by a preponderance of evident is easier than establishing it beyond a reasonable doubt.

Law is the body of rules for Human conduct that are enforced by imposing penalties for their violation. Criminal Law defines crimes and fixes punishment for them, whereas Civil Law deals with relationships between individuals towards each other.


Деловая переписка: письмо-запрос информации

Быстрое развитие промышленности, техники, торговли и экономических отношений между стра­нами потребовали резкого увеличения объема поч­товой корреспонденции. Хотя в последние десяти­летия резко возросла роль современных техниче­ских средств, таких, как телефон, телеграф, те­лекс и факс, а также Интернет, почтовая перепис­ка по-прежнему используется как один из важней­ших каналов связи. Официальные письма содер­жат деловую информацию (запросы и ответы на них, предложения и котировки, заказы, извеще­ния, например об отправке или получении товара, документов, переводе или получении платежей, а также претензии, жалобы, изменения отдельных пунктов контракта и т.п.).

Написание деловых писем требует соблюдения определенных правил как оформления, так и ха­рактера изложения материала.

Оформление делового письма

Официальные письма принято писать на специ­альных бланках, которые содержат некоторые обя­зательные реквизиты, расположенные в строго оп­ределенном порядке:

1)шапка фирменного бланка, включающая название фирмы, эмблему фирмы, номер телефона, факса, e-mail;


3) индекс письма для ссылок;

4) внутренний адрес;

5) вступительное обращение;


7) текст письма;

8) заключительная формула вежливости;


10)указание о наличии приложения;

11)указание о наличии копий.


Вступительное обращение и заключительная формула вежливости

Вступительное обращение определяется целью письма, официальным положением лица, которому оно адресовано, и деловыми отношениями, сложив­шимися между автором письма и его получателем. Поэтому деловые письма могут писаться в офици­альном и неофициальном тоне. Если письмо сугубо официальное, после обращения ставится точка с за­пятой или двоеточие, если деловое письмо неофици­альное, после обращения следует запятая.

Заключительная формула вежливости пишется справа от последнего слова письма. Ее характер оп­ределяется общим тоном письма и обращением, с которого оно начинается. Заглавной является толь­ко первая буква формулы. После последнего слова ставится запятая и двумя интервалами ниже следу­ет подпись.

Ниже приводятся таблицы вступительных об­ращений и заключительных формул вежливости:

Приветствия и заключительные формулы вежливости в деловом письме


Kind of a Letter

Характер письма


Вступительное обращение

Complimentary Close

Заключительная формула вежливости 

Formal letters to officials

and supervisors Официальные письма должностным лицам 



Yours respectfully,

Respectfully yours,

Yours very respect­fully 

Letters to business firms

and companies

Деловые письма фирмам и компаниям 



Yours truly, 

Answers to advertisements giving no name of person or firm

Ответы на рекламные материалы без упоминания названий фирм и лиц 

Gentlemen: (or omit the salutation) 

Yours truly, 

Letters to persons

unknown or slightly known to writer

Письма малоизвестным или неизвестным лицам 

My dear Mr Moore:

Dear Mr Johnson:

My dear Mrs Stock:

Dear Sir:

Dear Sir and Madam:

Yours truly,

Sincerely yours,

 Yours very truly,

Very truly yours, 

Letters to persons well

known to writers

Письма хорошо известным автору лицам 

Dear Mr Warren,

Dear Miss Macy,

Dear Mrs Jenkins,

Dear Professor Lewis, Dear Dr Stewart

Very sincerely yours.

Cordially yours,

Yours cordially,

Very cordially yours. 


official - служащий

supervisor - должностное лицо

respectfully - с уважением

truly yours - преданный вам, с почтением

sincerely yours искренне ваш

cordially yours - искренне ваш

Содержание письма

Содержание письма должно соответствовать следующим требованиям:

1.    Ясность изложения. Будьте последовательны
в изложении содержания делового письма. Начинайте письмо с самого важного, что поможет сосредоточить внимание читателя на существе вопроса. Пишите краткими предложениями, это облегчает
чтение письма.

2. Краткость изложения. Деловое письмо должно быть кратким. Избегайте сообщений о ненуж­ных фактах. Излагайте свои мысли немногословно.

3.Полнота информации. Сообщите адресату всю информацию, которая позволит ему выполнить вашу просьбу. Прежде чем начать письмо, продумайте его содержание.

4.Грамотность изложения. Одним из первых требований к деловому письму является отсутствие ошибок в орфографии и пунктуации, а также правильно выбранный стиль. Важно не только владеть необходимой информацией, но и уметь стилистически правильно и грамотно изложить ее.

5.Вежливость. Деловое письмо всегда должно быть безупречно вежливым. Вежливость особенно важна в переписке с иностранными коллегами и клиентами. Доброжелательность и любезный тон письма способствуют установлению полезных кон­тактов и часто дают положительные результаты. Постарайтесь создать у иностранного коллеги или клиента благоприятное впечатление о себе.


Письма-запросы пишутся в том случае, если вам необходимо получить какую-то информацию. Они пишутся кратко и вежливо, с точным указанием того, какая информация вас интересует. К письму прилагается оплаченный конверт с обратным адресом. Если вы просите выслать вам каталог или прейс­курант, не нужно объяснять, зачем они вам нужны. Если же вы обращаетесь к определенному лицу или фирме с нестандартной просьбой, кратко объясните, зачем вам нужна интересующая вас информация. Вежливое «пожалуйста» ускорит выполнение вашей просьбы.






Request to Visit a Publication Plant

71 Park Lane Avenue

New York 13, NY

October 29, 2001

The Meredith Publishing Company

1716 Broadway

 New York, NY


A group of Russian students of Miss Florence Dawes' English classes at Hunter College is making a study of present-day newspapers and magazines. We are particularly interested in visiting several pub­lication plants in New York to give us a better un­derstanding of the way modern newspapers and maga­zines are produced.

Would it be possible to arrange a tour through your plant sometime within the next three weeks? There would be fifteen students and Miss Dawes. We could come any day after 3.00 p.m.

Very truly yours,

Vera Stepanova

Secretary of the English classes

to make a study - изучать

publication plant – типография


Asking for a Booklet

1436 Algona Avenue

Lawrence, Kansas

July 17, 2001

Boys' Life

2 Park Avenue

New York 16, NY



Please send me the booklet "Yours for Sports", which you mentioned in your advertisement in the July 4th issue of Boys' Life.

Yours truly,

Herbert Conwell


booklet - брошюра

issue -  номер, выпуск






Just for fun

Caught in his own trap

It happened in England not very long ago. A judge was going for an assize (выездная сессия суда) to a distant town. His wife asked him to allow her to go with him. The judge agreed but told her not to take a lot of boxes. Next morning they started in a carriage. On the way the judge wanted to stretch his legs and his feet struck against something under the seat. It was a box. The judge was very angry, he opened the window and threw the box out. The coachman stopped the horses to pick up the box but the judge ordered to drive on.

The next day the travelers reached the town. The judge put on the robes and was ready for going to the court, but he couldn't find his wig (парик) which is a very important attribute of an English judge. Then he cried: «Where in all the world is my wig?» — «Your wig, my Lord? Why, your Lordship threw it out of the carriage window yesterday», explained the coachman who was watching the scene.



Рекомендованный список литературы

Аванесян Ж.Г. Английский язык для юристов: Учеб. пособие. – М.: Высшая школа, 2001.

Агабекян И.П. Практический английский язык для студентов-юристов. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2003.

Борисенко И.И., Саенко В.В. Новый русско-английский юридический словарь. – М.: РУССО, 2002.

Брагинская Т.Л., Шевченко Т.А., Чайковская Н.Ю. Английский язык для           юристов. Ч. I : Учебное пособие. – Волгоград: ВА МВД России, 2005.  

Горшенева И.А., Кузнецова Н.Н.,  Смоленцева Л.Г., Шевелева С.А. Английский язык для юристов. Закон. Общественный порядок: Учеб. пособие для вузов. – М.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2002.

Мелех И.Я. Как писать письма на английском языке: Справ.- учеб. пособие. – М.: ООО «Издательство АСТ»: ООО «Издательство Астрель», 2003.

Пивовар А.Г. Большой англо-русский юридический словарь. – М., Издательство « Экзамен», 2003.

Федорова Л.М., Немчина Н.Н., Никитаев С.Н. Английский язык для  юристов: Учебное пособие. – М.: Издательство «Экзамен», 2003.

Хрестоматия по юриспруденции: Пособие по английскому языку/ Сост. Е.Д. Оксюкевич. – М.: Спарк, 2001.Шевелева С.А. Английский для юристов: Учеб. пособие для вузов. – М.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2000.

Шевченко Т.А. Английский язык для  юристов. Ч. II : Учебное пособие. – Волгоград: ВА МВД России, 2008.

The best of just English. Английский для юристов / Под ред. Т.Н. Шишкиной. – М.: ЗЕРЦАЛО, 2004.





Текст для аудировния.

Anatoliy Fedorovich Koni 

Anatoliy Fedorovich Koni is one of the most famous Russian jurists and judicial orators. He was born in Saint Petersburg in 1844. His mother Irina Semenovna was an actress and a writer. His father was a theatrical critic and editor of magazines and newspapers.

        Anatoliy Fedorovich Koni was  well-educated. He spoke five foreign languages. Many actors and writers visited their house, his mother was very respected. All these things influenced boy’s moral principles. At first Koni was taught at home, then he  educated at German school and gymnasium, where he was the best student. In 1861 Koni  entered the university. At first he studied at mathematical faculty, then moved to judicial one. In 1886 Anatoliy Fedorovich graduated from the Moscow university, his dissertation was devoted to the theme “About the right of necessary defence”.

In 1871 Anatoliy Fedorovich Koni became for 5 years a  district prosecuting attorney of Saint Petersburg. At this time he got the fame of a brilliant prosecutor and a talented judicial man. So soon he became the president of the district court of Saint Petersburg. In 1878 Anatoliy Fedorovich Koni  was the president of  the court  in the judicial session of  proceeding of Vera Zasulich, who committed  an act of terrorism against general Trepov. After this trial Koni became famous all over the world.

In 1900 Koni entered his legislative career. His favorite themes were court questions. In 1912 he defended women’s’ law of succession, during the first world war  Koni stood upon the right of  disabled war veterans. Despite other work Anatoliy Fedorovich Koni  always found some time for teaching. Since 1876 he had been reading lectures on court ethics, judicial proceedings in different universities and colleges.

In 1920-s Koni started his literature career and printed his memoirs.

In spring of 1927 Anatoliy Fedorovich Koni  delivered a lecture in a cold classroom and fell ill. He got pneumonia and died in September of the same year. He was buried in Saint Petersburg at the age of 83 on the 19th of September 1927.